As we strive to assist farmers like you become better managers through the software Cash Cow Farmer we noticed a common problem among our customers, grain marketing.
When I ask farmers “How do you make your grain marketing decisions?” I get the most bizarre answers such as “we throw a dart at the calendar and sell on that day” or something crazy like that. The grain marketing decisions easily trump every other decision on the farm in importance because that determines the year’s paycheck. Farmers generally only collect about 30 paychecks a lifetime so each one of these grain marketing decisions is important.
We decided to partner with the best grain marketing advisor we know, Randy Martinson of Agvice in Fargo ND. Randy has successfully sold farmers at or near the top of the market for the past several years and even suggested forward hedging with futures contracts back in 2012-2013. He is the best and now he is on our team.
Below is a video introduction of the new relationship and some services that are now available with Cash Cow Farmer and Agvice.
Here is a link to the video as well.
Hope this is helpful!
Joe Fettig
Customer Success Representative, Cash Cow Farmer
PS. Want to learn more? Grab a time
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